Guest Guide - Hotel & Gastronomie

24 Fine foods and hearty treats – all made with cabbage from the Filder plateau – are the focus of this traditional regional get to- gether in autumn. Leinfelden-Echterdingen hosts the “Filder- kraut Festival” on the weekend of the third Sunday in October: The Cabbage King and Queen oversee the cabbage grating con- test to determine the new “Cabbage Grater World Champion”. Heads of cabbage are judged andweighed, decorated and heaved in athletic competitions. Around 50,000 visitors come from near and far to celebrate to- gether in open arbours and cosy shacks, on the streets and in the squares, inmarquees, halls and in the restaurants of Leinfelden- Echterdingen. Live music can be heard everywhere – from tra- ditional brass music and big band sound to Latin American rhythms and hits played by cover bands on the various stages. Come join us as we celebrate and enjoy the many delicacies made with cabbage from the Filder plateau, like Schupfnudeln and pork on a spit, or Krautschnecken (baked cabbage “snails”) and “Echterdinger Deie” – a speciality baked fresh in the histor- ic bakehouse by the countrywomen of Leinfelden-Echterding- en. And if you still haven't had enough you can take some fresh sauerkraut home with you – just a cup, or a bucket full! Every year hundreds of local residents volunteer to plan the SURJUDPPH IRU WKLV H[FLWLQJ DQG VXFFHVVIXO IHVWLYDO 3HRSOH ORYH living here, and they warmly welcome guests to Leinfelden- Echterdingen – where else! Filderkraut Festival Germany’s largest cabbage festival