Guest Guide - Hotel & Gastronomie

23 &DEEDJH VHHGV DUH YHU\ GLIìFXOW WR FRPH E\ VR WKH FDEEDJH IDUP- HUV JURZ WKHLU RZQ $ IHZ ìQH VHOHFW KHDGV RI FDEEDJH DUH NHSW LQ WKH ìHOG LQ DXWXPQ DQG DOORZHG WR IXOO\ PDWXUH 7KH VHHGV collected in this manner form the basis for the cabbage to be JURZQ DQG KDUYHVWHG WKH IROORZLQJ \HDU ([WUDRUGLQDU\ VSHFL- mens can weigh up to eight kilos when it’s time to harvest be- ginning in late September. Finely grated, mashed and salted, in four weeks the lactic-acid bacteria turn the cabbage into delicate sauerkraut – a tasty, low-calorie source of vitamins throughout the winter.