Guest Guide - Hotel & Gastronomie

80 OPTIMAL TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS Leinfelden-Echterdingen lies in the heart of the Stuttgart re- gion. Just twelve kilometres fromStuttgart's centre, the town is quickly and easily reached by almost any means of transport. If you are travelling by car, take the A81 motorway to Bodensee- :ÙU]EXUJ RU WKH $ WR 0ÙQFKHQ .DUOVUXKH H[LW /HLQIHOGHQ Echterdingen / Stuttgart-Möhringen or Leinfelden-Echterdin- gen / Stuttgart-Degerloch). You can also take the B27 national URDG LQWR WRZQ ZKHUH \RX ZLOO ìQG SOHQW\ RI LQH[SHQVLYH SDUN- ing spaces and car parks. In addition, an ample number of park and ride car parks make it easy to switch from car to train. The town's districts are linked by trams, trains and buses with good connections to regional and long-distance public transport. *HWWLQJ DURXQG ORFDOO\ LV DOVR HDV\ YLD WD[L Stuttgart airport is a gateway to the world. It connects Lein- felden-Echterdingen and the whole of south-west Germany with European and major North American cities. And if you prefer to get around on two wheels, the town has set up a net- work of cycling paths across the Filder plateau together with neighbouring communities.